
National Headquarters




187 Monte Carlo Way, Danville, California  94506  U.S.A.

TEL.: (925) 984-1973  


The clenched fist design , the mark gGoju-Kaih, and ¢„_‰ï£(in kanji) as printed here on the top are legal service marks registered with the United States Patent Office by Norimi Gosei Yamaguchi. To duplicate these service marks by way of printing, embroidering and founding or to display them in public without authorization may constitute service mark infringements and may be subject to lixiviation . Please refer to h About Goju-Kai Insignia"

About Goju-Kai Insignia
Honbu Dojo

Who's Who

Shibu Dojo











© 1975 By Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A., National Headquarters



The official name of this organization shall be National Goju-Kai Karate-Do of the U.S.A., and shall henceforth be known as Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A. The Japanese translated name of this organization shall be known as Zen Beikoku Karate-Do Goju-Kai.


To encourage interest and provide instruction in the art and science of Karate-Do:   concentrated in a particular institution known as Karate-Do Goju-Kai, which was founded by Master Gogen Yamaguchi and now is governed by his eldest son, N. Gosei Yamaguchi. Karate-Do Goju-Kai practices a style known as Goju-Ryu Karate-Do.


For the purpose stated above Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A. shall establish and maintain international, national, and regional offices and claims jurisdiction over them regarding the following matters:
1. To provide guidance and a means for international and national standardization of instruction in general. To establish the teaching programs and conduct periodical group instruction for members with the most authentic and traditional materials of Goju-Ryu Karate-Do. To train qualified instructors and maintain high-standard teaching materials.

2. To conduct examinations and promote participants with ranks of Dan and Kyu. To authorize the ranks with uniform certification issued by the National Headquarters. To establish the standard criteria and systems for the promotional examination and train qualified examiners.

3. To foster and promote championship tournaments among the members on a high plane of sportsmanship and friendly endeavor. To establish the judging system and train qualified judges for such tournaments.


A. Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A. shall be an independent organization, officially recognized by N. Gosei Yamaguchi, at the International Headquarters of Goju-Kai Karate-Do in the United States, and governed by its own constitution and by-laws.

B. Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A. shall be presided over by N. Gosei Yamaguchi, the first- born son of Gogen Yamaguchi.

C. The central office shall be known as the National Headquarters of Goju-Kai Karate- Do, U.S.A.


The National Headquarters of Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A. shall arrange meetings as follows:

1. General Instruction Meetings
2. Special Instruction Meetings for instructors
3. Promotional Meetings for Rank Examination
4. Clinical Meetings for Officials of Championship Tournaments
5. Championship Meetings


A. The membership of Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A. shall consist of persons or groups advocating Goju-Ryu Karate-Do and others such persons who shall be recognized by the National Headquarters in accordance with Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A. regulations. No one shall be denied membership on the basis or their race, religion, national origin, or sex.

B. The membership of Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A. shall consist of two classes:

1. Group, which consists of the recognized Goju-Kai Karate-Do dojo, or club.
2. Individual, which consists of the recognized person who holds the rank of 9th kyu and above.

C. Dojo, or club, members are the recognized regional offices of the National Goju-Kai Karate-Do Karate-Do, U.S.A..

D. Both dojo, or club, members and individual members may lose their membership for any of the following reasons:

1. Petition for withdrawal
2. Incompetency
3. Expulsion or suspension

E. Only the National Headquarters shall make final decisions concerning the expulsion of an undesirable member.


A. Titles of the officers of Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A. are the following:

1. Chairman
2. Secretary
3. Treasurer
4. Examiners
5. Directors
6. Assistant Instructors
7. Officials

B Chairman: N. Gosei Yamaguchi, who was appointed as the National Chief Instructor by late Master Gogen Yamaguchi shall be concurrent chairman of the Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A..

C Secretary: H. Donald Buck, who was appointed by the Chairman, shall be the Secretary of Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A..

D. Treasurer: Dinh Van Nguyen, who was appointed by the Chairman, shall be the Treasurer of the Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A..

E. Examiners: Black Belt rank holders shall be trained and nominated as examiners by the Chairman.

F. Directors: An instructor who represents his/her dojo, or club, shall be recognized as Directors.

G. Assistant Instructor: Black Belt rank holders of Shodan Ho and above shall be appointed Assistant Instructors by Directors.

H. Officials: Black Belt rank holders of Shodan Ho and above shall be recognized as Officials.


A. Only the recognized regional offices and members of Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A. shall be entitled to the benefits and privileges of:

1. The official emblem of the clenched Goju-Kai fist.
2. The title of Goju-Kai Karate-Do.
3. Reference to Master Gogen Yamaguchi and other executive officers on any official occasions.

B. Limitations of the usage of the above are as follows:

1. The official emblem of the clenched Goju-Kai fist, a registered service mark at the U.S. Patent Office, may be used in the following ways:

a. An emblem patch may be applied to the left side of a top gi. (Only white top and bottom gi are allowed.) There shall be no other emblems or printings other than an official name of regional offices
allowed on the gi.

b. The emblem may be reproduced on a letterhead, envelopes, and other printed materials for official business.

c. Only the National Headquarters shall issue membership cards and diplomas imprinted with the emblem.

2. The organization name may be used in the following ways:

a. Only the National Headquarters shall use the name, Goju-Kai Karate- Do, U.S.A.

b. The recognized regional offices must use their official names in compliance with the By-Laws Section I-2b).


c. The domain names GOJUKAI and/or GOJU-KAI are intellectual property registered and owned by Norimi Gosei Yamaguchi. No regional offices or their members are permitted to register any domain names combined with or using GOJUKAI and GOJU-KAI.  Additionally no regional offices and their members are permitted to create or publish a website that utilizes GOJUKAI and GOJU-KAI as part of its labeling, titling or headings.  However, within www.gojukai.com, the official Goju-Kai Karate-Do, USA website, there is a section, entitled, "SHIBU DOJO Schools, Affiliated with honbu dojo" which is available for regional offices to publish the details concerning their school, classes, hours and instructors. 

3. The names of Master Gogen Yamaguchi and other executive officers may be used in print for official matters if a copy of the material is submitted to the Chairman for prior approval.

C. Dissolution
The Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A. organization shall be dissolved on the demise of Gosei
Yamaguchi, Chairman, or on his declaration of dissolution, unless otherwise stated to the officers and regional directors of Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A..



A. Registration or certification of membership is required of all members, subject to rules and limitations imposed by Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A.

1. Duration of registration shall be for life.
2. Dojo or Club Membership

Application forms for dojos or clubs which qualify for group membership according to the Constitution (Article VI-B) shall be obtained from the National Headquarters. They must be fully completed and signed by the instructor who is responsible for instruction in the dojo or club.

a. Certified dojo or club members shall be listed under the standardized- format name of the regional offices of Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A..

b. A regional office shall be identified by first indicating the city, then Goju-Kai Karate-Do, then the state. For example:

San Francisco     Goju-Kai Karate-Do,      California
(CITY)                (ORGANIZATION)          (STATE)

In the event there are more than two dojos or clubs in the same city, minor schools shall be identified by the street or district, then Goju- Kai Karate-Do, then the city. For example:

Collingwood         Goju-Kai Karate-Do,      San Francisco
(STREET)              (ORGANIZATION)          (CITY)

c. The certified instructor of the dojo or club shall be listed as the director of the regional office.

3. Individual Membership

Application forms for individuals who qualify for membership according to the Constitution (Article VI-B2) shall be obtained from the National Headquarters. They must be fully completed and signed by each applicant for membership and must be endorsed by the director of the dojo or club. The completed forms must be collected and sent by the director to the National Headquarters.
Recognized members shall be certified by national membership cards issued
by the National Headquarters of Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A.

b. Each applicant must submit two copies of a full-face photograph measuring 1.5 square inches for his/her membership card.

B. Rank and Diploma

All individual members of Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A. must register their rank at the National Headquarters.

1. Directors of dojos or clubs or Examiners must report all results of rank examinations and renew the ranking records for their registered individuals at the National Headquarters.

2. Diploma

The rank of rokkyu, or 6th kyu, and above shall be certified by a diploma issued from the National Headquarters. Application forms for ranks obtained from the National Headquarters must be fully completed and signed by each applicant and must be endorsed by the director or examiner. The completed application forms must be collected and sent to the National Headquarters by the director of the regional office.

3. Standardized Ranking System

All members of Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A must follow the standardized system of the Goju-Kai Karate-Do ranking and belt system. No colored belts other than those listed below are allowed.

White Belt
Mukyu or 10th kyu - Beginners
Kyukyu or 9th kyu - White Belt with one green stripe
Hachikyu or 8th kyu - White Belt with two green stripes
Shichikyu or 7th kyu - White Belt with three green stripes

Green Belt
Rokkyu or 6th kyu - Green Belt with one brown stripe
Gokyu or 5th kyu - Green Belt with two brown stripes
Yonkyu or 4th kyu - Green Belt with three brown stripes

Brown Belt
Sankyu or 3rd kyu - Brown Belt with one black stripe
Nikkyu or 2nd kyu - Brown Belt with two black stripes
Ikkyu or 1st kyu - Brown Belt with three black stripes

Black Belt
Shodan Ho 1st Degree Black Belt Interim
Shodan 1st Degree Black Belt
Nidan Ho 2nd Degree Black Belt Interim
Nidan 2nd Degree Black Belt
Sandan Ho 3rd Degree Black Belt Interim
Sandan 3rd Degree Black Belt
Yondan 4th Degree Black Belt
Godan 5th Degree Black Belt
Rokudan 6th Degree Black Belt


A. The directors of clubs shall have periodic meetings as listed below:

1. Instructional meetings of the Goju-Kai Karate-Do
2. Promotional meetings for rank examination

B. Instructional Meetings

All directors and assistant instructors shall promote the Goju-Kai Karate-Do Instructional Programs standardized by Gosei Yamaguchi at the National Headquarters.

The outline of the programs are listed below:

Group 1: Jumbi Undo (Warm-up Exercises) - 18 items
Group 2: Kihon (Stationary Basics)

Kihon I - 13 forms
Kihon II - 13 forms
Kihon III - 20 forms
Kihon IV - 32 forms

Group 3: Ido (Motional Basics)

Kihon Ido - 8 forms
Kata Ido I, II, and III
Kumite Ido I, II, and III

Group 4: Kata
a. Fukyu Gata
1. Taikyoku Jodan (1 and 2)
2. Taikyoku Chudan (1 and 2)
3. Taikyoku Gedan
4. Taikyoku Kake-Uke (1 and 2)
5. Taikyoku Mawashi-Uke (1 and 2)
6. Gekisai I and II

b. Kihon Gata
1. Sanchin
2. Tensho

c. Kaishu Gata
1. Saifa
2. Seinchin
3. Sanseiru
4. Shisochin
5. Seisan
6. Seipai
7. Kururunfa
8. Suparunpei (Pecchurin)

Group 5: Kumite
a. Kihon Kumite
b. Yakusoku Kumite
c. Jiyu Kumite

3. Duration of meetings are as follows:

Regular Class: Two hours
Junior Class (Participants of 15 years of age and below): One and one-half hour

C. Promotional Meetings
Promotional meetings for rank examinations shall be organized by a director for a regional office periodically (a maximum of three times a year).

2. Promotion meetings must have a certified examiner or a certified group of examiners who are authorized by the national chairman to promote participants to specified ranks.

3. All individual members wishing to attain rank must participate in promotional meetings and are examined according to their demonstrated abilities to perform the techniques required.

4. The following items are provided by the national Board of Examiners for demonstration for obtaining rank:

a. Kihon
1. Sanchin-Dachi, Yoko-Uke
2. Shiko-Dachi, Haraiotoshi-Uke
3. Sanchin-Dachi, Seiken-Zuki
4. Shiko-Dachi, Shita-Zuki
5. Heiko-Dachi, Mae-Geri
6. Heiko-Dachi, Yoko-Geri

b. Kihon Ido
1. Sanchin-Dachi, Seiken-Zuki
2. Sanchin-Dachi, Seiken-Zuki, Mae-Geri
3. Zenkutsu-Dachi, Seiken-Zuki
4. Shiko-Dachi, Seiken-Zuki
5. Shiko-Dachi, Haraiotoshi-Uke
6. Shiko-Dachi, Age-Zuki, Ura-Uchi, Haraiotoshi-Uke, Seiken-Zuki

c. Shitei Gata (Required Kata)
1. No rank holder - Taikyoku Gedan
2. 9th, 8th, 7th kyu holder - Gekisai I
3. 6th, 5th, 4th kyu holder - Sanchin
4. 3rd and 2nd kyu holder - Saifa
5. 1st kyu holder - Seinchin
6. Shodan Ho and Shodan - Sanseiru
7. Nidan Ho and Nidan - Shisochin
8. Sandan Ho and Sandan - Seisan

d. Jiyu Gata (Optional Kata)

1. White Belt Holder - Any one of the followings:

a. Taikyoku Jodan I or II
b. Taikyoku Chudan I or II
c. Taikyoku Gedan
d. Taikyoku Kake-Uke I or II
e. Taikyoku Mawashi-Uke I or II

f. Gekisai I or II

2. Green Belt Holder - Any one of the above or any one of the following:

a. Tensho
b. Saifa

3. Brown Belt Holder - Any one of the above or Seinchin
4. Shodan Ho and Shodan - Any one of the above or Shisochin
5. Nidan Ho and Nidan - Any one of the above or Seisan
6. Sandan Ho and Sandan - Any one of the above or Seipai

No one shall be allowed to demonstrate the same kata for both Shitei Gata and Jiyu Gata.

e. Jiyu Kumite (Free Sparring)
No participants should be allowed to demonstrate a Jiyu Kumite.

5. Qualifications

a. All participants must complete at least twenty-five classes within a period of time that are stipulated by the National Headquarters, unless they are exempted by the Chair.

b. All black belt holders must participate in a promotional examination conducted at the National Headquarters. They are required to be recommanded by their Director and approved by the Chair.

6. Other National Policies

a. All application forms shall be subject to examination by regional instructors of participants or director. The regional instructor and director must approve each participant on the basis of his or her participation.

b. Candidates fifteen years of age and below shall be considered part of the Junior Class. No black belt rank (Shodan Ho and above) shall be awarded to any junior participants.

c. Beginners of no rank shall not be promoted to green belt rank (Rokkyu, or 6th kyu) and above at one examination.

d. No green belt rank holders shall be promoted to black belt rank at one examination.

e. No brown belt rank holders of Sankyu (3rd Kyu) or Nikyu (2nd Kyu) shall be promoted to black belt rank at one examination. Only Ikkyu (1st Kyu) holders can be promoted to Shodan Ho.

f. There shall be no demotion of rank as a consequence of an examinations.

g. Rank may be sustained at its present level as a consequence of an examination.

h. All results of rank above green belt shall be validated by a rank certificate issued from the National Headquarters.

i. No one shall be able to change or delete records of any rank holder whose rank has been validated by the national certificate, unless the Chair dissolves the rank due to a violation in its attainment.


A. Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A. may conduct a national championship tournament and local eliminations for the purpose of friendly endeavor and sportsmanship among members.

B. For this occasion, all regional offices of the Goju-Kai Karate-Do, U.S.A. shall be organized into their state localities.

C. One of the active regional offices shall be nominated as regional headquarters for the state by the national headquaters.

D. The rules of kumite and kata matches, judging rules, and general tournament rules shall be provided by the national Board of Examiners.

E. A representative state team shall consist of various dojos or clubs that will be identified by the title of the team, listed by state, organization and country. For example:

California Goju-Kai Karate-Do U.S.A.


A. All regional offices shall be allowed to charge instructional fees according to their local situation.

B. Individual National Membership Fee: $ 10.00 per member for lifetime
(This includes membership card)

C. Group Membership Application Fee: $100.00 per club for lifetime
(Dojo, Club or a regional office)

Director's Monthly Dues $ 70.00 per month

D. Entry Fee for a promotional examination: $ 10.00 per applicant
No directors shall be allowed to charge more than $10.00 for examination.

E. Rank Certificate Fees:

6th kyu
5th kyu                             GREEN BELT $ 10.00
4th kyu

3rd kyu
2nd kyu                             BROWN BELT $ 15.00
1st kyu

Shodan Ho 1st Degree Black Belt Interim $ 20.00
Shodan 1st Degree Black Belt $ 30.00

Nidan Ho 2nd Degree Black Belt Interim $ 40.00
Nidan 2nd Degree Black Belt $ 50.00

Sandan Ho 3rd Degree Black Belt Interim $ 60.00
Sandan 3rd Degree Black Belt $ 70.00

Yondan 4th Degree Black Belt $ 90.00

Godan 5th Degree Black Belt $ 110.00

No directors shall be allowed to charge nor issue any form of rank certification.


Provisions Relating to Promotional Examination