Okinawa was also called Ryukyu,
or —®‹… and was once a small kingdom free from Japanese and Chinese occupation. Since
this small tropical island is located right between Japan and southern part of China, it
consequently experienced severe political trauma in its history, especially when a
southern end Japanese clan Satsuma, or ŽF–€ invaded Okinawa in 1607 and occupied its
administration by force. No islanders except the authorized royal class members were
allowed to arm in their daily life. Prior to the Satsuma invasion, the islanders had
similar experiences by their own King at the end of the Civil War in 1422. In both
occasions, the islanders learned to train, in secret, the hand to hand combat tactics
which developed into the art of Karate later.
At this time, the art lacked its
Chinese sophistication and offered more practical application of the system by using bare
hands and legs. For example, the hands were trained on finger's tip, the knuckle and at
both sides and at the tail of the palm by pounding against hard objects daily. Likewise
the elbow knuckle, toes and the ridge of the foot were also trained as for to use them
like weapons. Japanese instructors now eliminated such an old training system due to its
risk to damaging the hands.
At the beginning in Okinawa the
system was called 'Te', or Žè, meaning 'hand'. The arts of Te, however, appeared to
differ its system depending upon geographical locations and instructors. The islanders
therefore distinguished its school by identifying a name of city such as Naha-Te, or
“ß”eŽè, Shuri-Te, or Žñ—¢Žè, Tomari-Te, or ”‘Žè and so on. Naha and Tomari were
known to be the popular port cities. Shuri once was a capital city where the king resided.
Other than that, there was the systems called To-De or Tote that was written as “‚Žè of
which alternative pronunciation is "Karate"; meaning Chinese hand. Of the local
historians appeared to distinguish To-De and Te as for different form. However, Japanese
called the art, in general, 'Karate' and wrote it “‚Žè.
During this transitional period
of time when the art was becoming more popular in main land Japan, the art was called
"Karate Kempou" or “‚ŽèŒ–@ which meant Chinese Hand Fist System. Later
during 1930s Japanese practitioners changed the written characters to ‹óŽè. First word
"‹ó" means vacant, absent or empty and second word "Žè" means hand.
Its implication is to symbolize a pair of bare hands combat for the sake of self defense
against the armed hands. However, it was Japanese political attempt to transform the body
of the art with metaphysical insinuation so that the name can eliminate its national
There existed in Japan for
fifteen to twenty century an incorporated field of martial arts as for a traditional
institution named 'Budo', or •“¹. Ever since Okinawa was forced to become one of the
provinces of Japan in 1871, there had been a political upraising by both the Japanese and
the local citizens to promote the art to be recognized in the field of Budo.
Hence, the practitioners of the
art started to call it Karate-Do by applying the suffix -do to Karate. "Do" or
“¹ literally means "way" as for "a way of life." One of the branch
doctrine from Confucianism, or ŽéŽqŠw once strongly influenced the Japanese intellects
and Samurai class during the feudal time in the tenth century. The concept of -do or way
of life came from the doctrine. All of the arts categorized in the Martial Arts, thus, are
named with -do, like Judo, Kendo, Aikido and so on.
The Art of Karate-Do, or
‹óŽè“¹ is what the official name was during the 1930's in the mainland Japan.
Traditionally, all the martial arts that were recognized among the field offered to claim
their specific name of school or style in order to identify their lineage within the art.
Unlike its custom, the art of Karate-Do in Okinawa thus started claim to its name of style
such as Goju-Ryu, or „_—¬, and Shito-Ryu, or Ž…“Œ—¬. Ryu, or —¬ literally means
stream which indicates lineage of branch. Among the various styles of Karate originally
practiced on Okinawa island, Goju-Ryu is known as the earliest institute of Karate that
named its school by its specific style.

Origin of Goju-Ryu